Saturday 15 June 2019

How do you overcome "RangeError:maximum stack size exceeded" error while changing the field in NS page ?

Here I  came across one issue:

I was trying to select a radio button from NetSuite UI, during the change i'm trying to insert an account in client script, and trying to fetch from the list of accounts in UserEvent script,  this happens on the field change so, my client script has triggered recursively hence I have received "RangeError:maximum stack size exceeded" error on my custom page created in NS.
Now, how i have avoided this issue is :

in Client Script, in fieldChanged(context) section:

Apply highlighted line of code:

currentRecord.setValue({fieldId:'custrecord_account', value: acct,  ignoreFieldChange:true});

This way we can solve the maximum stack size errors. There might be many scenario's, but i suggest use ignoreFieldChange:true to solve these kind of issues.


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