Friday 7 June 2019

How to Void any transaction using SuiteScript 2.0 ?

We should use transaction.void() method to void any transaction.

Imp: After you void a transaction, you cannot make changes to the transaction that impact the general ledger.

If a Void is performed on a transaction, then it returns the ID of the recorded void transaction.

Here is sample code:

var voidCustPaymentId = transaction.void.({
type: record.Type.CUSTOMER_PAYMENT,
id: <<'Give the Id of the transaction here'>>

make sure follow below steps while voiding:

1. In the 'define' function use - N/transaction module,
 Reason is the transaction.void(options) is available in  'N/transaction' module.

2. verify below setup :
    NS ->Go to Setup --> Accounting - > Preferences -> Accounting Preferences:

if the VOID TRANSACTIONS USING REVERSING JOURNALS   field is checked then, we won't see the Void button in the below transactions:

  • Check
  • Bill Payment
  • Payroll Liability Payment
  • Customer Refund
  • Tax Payment
  • Tax Liability Check
  • Customer Payment
and your code will fail.

To avoid this this issue follow make sure you disable the setting and re enable the setting using the code like below:

 use ->'N/config' in the define function.

use below highlighted code:

var revVoid = accountingConfig.getValue('REVERSALVOIDING');

// Uncheck the Reversal flag    
if (revVoid) {
                      fieldId: 'REVERSALVOIDING',
              value: false

//load the payment record
          var paymentValue = record.load({
            type : 'customerpayment',
            id :
// void the payment record
var voidpayment = transaction.void({
           type: record.Type.CUSTOMER_PAYMENT,
       //Reset the reversal flag
value: true

This will ensure Accounting settings are not effected.

Note: Make sure if you are using eclipse for suitescripting , some times the transaction.void() results error, this is just because the the jar's are not updated. Ignore the error and load the script in NS, your script should work.

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